Mixed-Use Travel Sign - Mendocino National Forest
QWR believes the Sustainable ATV Trails website hits the
mark when it states the major challenge of managing a successful trails program
is providing quality recreational opportunities while protecting the resources.
And, the key to a successful trail program is to develop trails that enhance
and reinforce the visitors' experience.
OHV Bridge - Tahoe National Forest
QWR commends the Forest Service and project partners for
creating a very informative website that highlights modern trail management
strategies, concepts, and construction techniques that should be part of any 21st
Century designated OHV road or trail program.
“Looped trail opportunities” are suggested as one of the concepts that
could or should be part of a motorized trail system.
Sustainable ATV Trails Website
The website is a must read for line-officers, trail specialists,
volunteers, stakeholder groups, state and local land agencies, or other
interests who want to learn about trail management and related resource
protection efforts. It contains creative
and informative videos, detailed overviews, diagrams, case studies, and links
to relevant documents.
Rolling Dip - Tahoe National Forest
This information is especially useful for Forests that
are implementing a travel plan. Forest
planning teams where the unit is being changed from an “Open” for cross-country
travel classification to a “Restricted” to designated roads, trails, and areas classification
could benefit as well.
Here are just a few of the links contained at the
Trail Design and Location Video
Trails Unlimited - Installing arch culverts,
overside/underside drains, and turf blocks
Emergency Stabilization of Roads and Trails
Managing Trails in Wet Areas
If QWR could make several suggestions, it would be for
the website to offer more detailed descriptions and/or examples of signs
related to trail difficulty and assurance.
QWR also believes the website should include information that describes
how trail delineators (rocks, fences, railroad type barriers, etc) can be used in routine trail management or as post-emergency
(i.e. wildfire) road/trail rehabilitation treatments.
Trail Delineators - Stanislaus National Forest
Other management strategies such as companion
trails or “roads managed as trails” should be offered as well.
QWR Article on Trail Delineators Used as Post-Fire
Management Tool
Again, this information is useful for anybody interested
in how modern trail management techniques can be used to enhance responsible
OHV recreation while protecting water quality and other natural resources.
Please feel free to share this information with interested parties. Also, please consider giving feedback or comments. You may contact QWR/Don Amador at: damador@quietwarriorracing.com
for any questions.