Sunday, January 2, 2022


Popular OHV Campground - South Cow Mountain OHV Area
BLM Ukiah Field Office

                      PLAN FOR OHV FUTURE AT COW MOUNTAIN – JAN. 13


This is just a heads-up for OHVers who love to ride and/or compete on the trail network at the BLM’s South Cow Mountain OHV Area near Ukiah, CA.  By participating in this specific and important non-scoping effort, it will also give riders experience in participating in other upcoming federal planning efforts on lands managed by the Forest Service and BLM.  Many federal units will or have starting major planning processes that WILL impact – for better or worse - where we ride and compete.


QWR believes that your participation is critical at Cow Mountain since the agency’s recent purchase of the 1,300 acre Blue Oak Ranch that could provide improved access to the trail network and easier access for RVs, camping, and staging for competition OHV events.   Here are some topics you may want to comment on:


One –  Continue to improve trail maintenance program

Two – Manage and continue historic OHV access for casual use and competition-related camping/staging on river bar at the Scott’s Creek entrance

Three – Construct new trails to separate vehicle types/sizes such as single-track trails to separate smaller OHVs from larger OHVs

Four – Expedite planning and implementation efforts to open the Blue Oak Ranch property


There are many other suggestions you may have so feel free to sign up and attend/participate in the January 13 BLM public meeting listed below.



Dear South Cow Mountain OHV Management Area Stakeholder;


The Bureau of Land Management Ukiah Field Office wants to hear from you, as our users, how to improve the recreational experience at the South Cow Mountain OHV Management Area. We’re inviting you to a public workshop to discuss potential changes to the South Cow Mountain OHV Management Area. The workshop will be held via Zoom on Thursday, January 13, 2022, from 5:30-7:00 pm.

 Pre-registration is required to participate. Please use the following link to register for the workshop:


The January workshop will include:

•             The BLM will explain the goals we hope to achieve with the development of the South Cow Mountain OHV Management Area Implementation Plan and how it would benefit the South Cow Mountain OHV Management Area and the public. 

•             A demonstration of the virtual mapping tool which will allow the public to provide feedback on existing and potential new trails, amenities, recreational opportunities, and goals for the OHV management area.

•             An opportunity to discuss potential improvements for the South Cow Mountain OHV Management Area.


Please note that this workshop and the mapping exercise are not part of the scoping process under the National Environmental Protection Act. While your comments in the meeting and in the mapping exercise will help the BLM identify preliminary concepts for the South Cow Mountain OHV Management Area Implementation Plan, they will need to be resubmitted once scoping begins in order to be included in the official record for the Implementation Plan.


Please feel free to contact us at

with any questions. We look forward to seeing you on January 13.


Happy Holidays!


Ashley Poggio

Outdoor Recreation Planner, Ukiah Field Office

Bureau of Land Management, California

Department of Interior, Region 10

Office: (707) 468-4056