Wednesday, January 15, 2020

CA OHV BUDGET UPDATE - Governor’s Proposed Budget for 2020-2021

On January 10, 2020, Governor Newsom released his Proposed Budget which highlights the Governor's goals and objectives for the forthcoming year.  For OHV recreation, the proposed budget indicates the administration’s fiscal commitment to programs and departments including the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) program at the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR).


Upon initial review, it appears the Governor is supportive of the OHV program with a proposed budget for 2020-2021 of $108,387 million dollars which includes $36 million for the OHV grants program.  In 2018-2019 the actual budget was $104,596 million. The estimated budget for 2019-2020 is $108,315 million. 

While this is good news for OHV, the motorized recreation community must remain engaged with the OHMVR program and DPR due to potential impacts from the Parks Transformation Process.

As most of you know, the OHMVR Division has a distinct mission that is carried out by a highly-skilled team of OHV-related trail specialists, environmental scientists, law enforcement personnel, and grant administrators.  The Division Deputy Director position has been vacant for over a year and recently the acting deputy went back to his previous duties, leaving the Division without a leader.  How long it takes the governor to fill this essential position will go far to gauge his support for the program.

We should remain concerned about the potential dilution of those aforementioned skillsets that would devastate the OHMVR Division’s ability to manage its highly acclaimed system of State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRAs).  It would also impact the grant program that supports managed OHV recreation on Forest Service and BLM lands and related restoration projects, law enforcement, and safety programs.

QWR believes that OHV advocacy efforts in 2020 should remain focused on Park Transformation to help ensure the OHMVR Division retains those aforementioned skillsets.

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

NATIONAL LE APPRECIATION DAY - Say Thanks to our Law Enforcement Officers

FS Law Enforcement Officer
Mendocino National Forest

On National Law Enforcement Day 2020, QWR would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the local, state, and federal law enforcement officers who dedicate their life to our protection and safety.
BLM Ranger at OHV Event
BLM Chappie Shasta OHV Area

CA State Park Ranger

QWR also extends our gratitude to those officers who work on OHV details to protect natural resources, ensure that OHV regulations are followed, and educate riders on public safety issues. 

Plumas County Sheriff

Their efforts are a critical component of successful OHV programs and help ensure that we have continued access to sustainable motorized recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas.

Thanks to all who serve!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


By Don Amador
Date: 1/7/20


Will Rogers, a famous cowboy, actor, and social commentator, once said, “Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."

As OHV leaders, advocates, clubs, riders, and consultants prepare to address ongoing or much anticipated challenges or opportunities in 2020, I believe it is important for us to embrace those efforts with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Certainly it is important to remember and utilize successful strategies that have helped support access to existing OHV recreation opportunities or have created new sustainable trails and route networks.

However, it has been my experience that OHV advocates can often get bogged down and discouraged by negative experiences incurred in the many battles we fight with ourselves, agencies, politicians, environmental groups, and courts.

Each one of us only has so much gas in our emotional tank.  I believe its best – and also more productive – to ride forward in our advocacy journey than to backtrack in search of mistakes we may have made or to dwell on discouragements.

Resolve in 2020 to be that eternal optimist who stays positive regardless of challenges or hurdles placed in their path.   Visualize a positive outcome for OHV this year.  It’s our best option.

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Don Amador writes on recreation and land-use issues from his office in Oakley, CA.  Don may be reached via email at: