2011 Agency-User Field Trip - Start of Collaborative Process
Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
QWR remains a strong supporter of the collaborative
process as it relates to public land recreation planning and management efforts
at local, state, and federal areas.
The important role that collaboration plays was
acknowledged by the California Coastal Commission at a recent hearing where
they directed California State Parks to develop a local collaborative where
various land/regulatory agencies, elected officials, businesses, OHV groups,
and conservation organizations can work together to help develop responsible management
concepts for Oceano Dunes SVRA.
A good example of successful collaboration at a popular
recreation area can found at the U.S. Forest Service’s Oregon Dunes National
Recreation Area.
Recent Collaborative Open Dune Restoration Project
Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
In 2014, the Save the Riders Dunes, a local OHV
non-profit organization, met with conservation groups to discuss finding common ground with a goal of both
protecting open sand resources and providing a high-quality outdoor
experience. That stakeholder process was
centered on attending meetings and field trips where information was shared,
values appreciated/respected, and new relationships formed.
QWR believes that robust collaborate effort is largely responsible
for “Saving” the Oregon Dunes and creating a positive future there for both
motorized and non-motorized recreation opportunities.
QWR encourages all those engaged in recreation planning
efforts to take time to read the highly informative 23 page The Oregon Dunes Restoration Collaborative
Report on how this diverse set of interest groups came together in a substantive
manner to develop a strategy for managing the Oregon Dunes for current and
future generations.
QWR has an axiom that “The quality of your local FS/BLM/State
Park OHV recreation program is or will be directly proportional to the quality
of your engagement with agency staff and other users.”
If your club has not done so already, now is the time for
your organization to appoint a designated representative(s) to attend local
land use planning meetings and make that long-term commitment to help ensure
that you and your family continues to have access to high quality trail-based or
open sand recreational opportunities. It
is the future of OHV.
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