Friday, April 22, 2011

Legislative Fix Needed to Address Denial of Special Recreation Event Permits

As more non-motorized and motorized clubs are being forced to cancel historic permitted events because of a burdensome administrative process, Quiet Warrior Racing believes it is time so seek a legislative fix to this issue.

For the last 13 years, I have worked sound tech at numerous motorized permitted events on Forest Service and BLM lands.  That opportunity has given me the chance to gain insight regarding this issue from both the club and agency perspective.  In recent years, QWR has seen an increased regulatory burden (cost recovery, insurance, agency staff shortages, excessive and/or unwarranted environmental review, etc.) directly causing a dramatic decline in the number of permitted events being authorized on federal lands.

For units that want permitted events to occur, that regulatory burden has made it almost impossible for the agency to authorize an event.  For units that want to eliminate permitted events, that same burden is being used as a convenient excuse for denying that activity.

Currently, the administration of special recreation permits (BLM) and special use permits (FS) is 100% discretionary with no appeal process.  QWR believes that recreationists will continue to see a decline in the authorization of permits unless a solution is found.

QWR is convinced that Congress is best suited to address this issue with a legislative fix.  That concept has evolved over the last several years after reviewing this issue with clubs, land managers, and legislators.

QWR will be encouraging and working with national recreation groups and legislators to find a long-term solution to this growing problem.  QWR believes that the goal of this legislation should be to streamline the administrative process and eliminate/reduce excessive or redundant environmental review specifically in recreation areas that have already been designated for a particular activity such as OHV, rock climbing, OSV, equestrian, and mountain-bikes.

In this climate of fiscal downturn, federal agencies should be working hard to encourage permitted events which often brings much needed economic benefit to the local community.  A solution is out there…now we just need a collective effort to find it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Quest/3M is Official Sound Meter Partner for QWR in 2011

Quest Model 1200 Type One Sound Meter Kit

Quiet Warrior Racing is proud to announce its selection of Quest Technologies as the provider of official sound testing equipment for 2011.  QWR will be using the law enforcement-grade Type 1 1200 sound meter for testing both street and non-street legal motorcycles and OHVs at events and outreach efforts throughout the country.

We are pleased to be teaming up with Quest Technologies here at QWR to help get us the word out about riding quiet on public roads and trails.

I have used Quest sound meters over the last 10 years and they have proven to be accurate, reliable, and rugged.  Here in Northern California, they are the sound meter of choice used by Forest Service and BLM law enforcement officials to enforce sound laws. It’s great to partner with Quest on our never ending journey to promote a responsible sound ethic on public travelways.