Thursday, November 28, 2019



THANKFUL FOR ED WALDHEIM – Being thankful for family and friends during this holiday season is important.  Expressing that thankfulness is also important especially for those who play or have played an important role in our lives.

With that thought in mind, I want to share a message (see below) from Ed Waldheim’s OHV network about expressing a kind note to Ed as he is placed on Hospice. As part of that network, I want to thank Ed in public for his friendship and leadership over the years.

Ed was an important mentor for me when I first got started in OHV advocacy about 30 years ago.  Ed set an example for me and many others.  Listed below are some terms that I like to use to describe Ed.


Show up at meetings/work parties

Educate elected officials

Facilitation/organization of meetings

Servant leadership


Passion for the sport

Growing role for non-profits

Engage with land managers


Don’t take no for an answer

Never give up

Present solutions

Have fun with family and friends

The bullet-points listed above are just a few of the personal and professional tenets that Ed helped instill in me.

If you are one of the many folks in OHV recreation that Ed has touched either directly or indirectly, please take time to read the message below and send Ed a message that will be read to him over this holiday season.

MESSAGE FROM ED’S OHV NETWORK (and where to send thank you notes)


As we enter this Thanksgiving season of giving thanks for our many blessings, we have a special request from anyone who has been touched by Ed Waldheim.
Ed's three years of treatment for stage IV lung cancer has ended and he has been placed on hospice.
Ed has impacted many people on his life’s journey, whether it was in the off-road community, the S.O.I. Motorhome club, or groups such as the Optimist Club, Relay For Life, and many other circles.

We are requesting thank you notes or cards to be sent to Ed to remind him how thankful we are of his help, support, and guidance along the way.
These will be delivered and read to Ed during this holiday season.

You can mail letters to:
Ed Waldheim
3550 Foothill Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91214

Or email to:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

ROV DRIVER EDUCATION - Biologists Complete SxS Training

Biologists Complete ROHVA Basic Driver Course

QWR congratulates the biologists and specialists from AECOM and Applied Technology & Science (A-T-S) who recently completed the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association (ROHVA) ROV Basic DriverCourse (RBDC) taught at the Diablo MX Park located in Brentwood, California. 

These ROHVA classes were offered in recognition of the growing partnership between the scientific community and OHV professionals that both share a common commitment to managed and sustainable high quality recreation opportunities for both non-motorized and motorized activities.

Students Practice Exercise 4
As many land agencies and environmental consulting firms know, Recreational Off-Highway Vehicles (ROVs) or Side-by-Sides (SxSs) are becoming increasingly popular and are the fastest growing segment of the powersports market.  These useful vehicles are also becoming an important land management or research tool.

QWR offers the RBDC course for agency staff, contractors, and 1st responders that need to get certified or recertified before operating a government or corporate SxS. 

QWR believes that external partners will have an increasingly important role to play in helping provide access to certified safety instruction for staff that needs training.

Don Amador, President of Quiet Warrior Racing/Consulting, states, “It is a privilege and also fun to help train agency or corporate employees about how to operate their SxS vehicles in a safe and environmentally sound manner.”

“I really enjoyed seeing the RBDC students (many of them were new to driving SxSs) gain confidence over the course of the day using the skills they learned to safely operate their vehicle,” Amador concludes.

QWR appreciates the dedication of the biologists who want to protect natural resources for future generations.  And on recreation projects to ensure that units are maintained in a sustainable manner.

LINK TO ROHVA (Go ahead and take the free online ROHVA E-Course)

*If you are interested in having Don teach a ROHVA ROV Basic DriverCourse, contact him at:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

HONE OHV LEADERSHIP SKILLS - Apply for the Mendocino RAC

RAC Appointment Letter

QWR believes it is important for OHV club representatives, leaders, or those looking to become leaders to develop their public land advocacy skill-set by serving on boards, commissions, or resource advisory councils (RAC).

By serving on a local RAC, you will meet and work with agency, government, and community leaders.  It is a great way to learn about land management issues, government and stakeholder collaborative processes, and grant funding opportunities.

The Mendocino National Forest, which is a premier destination OHV recreation area, is looking for a person to represent OHV recreation on the RAC.  Please consider applying for this position as it is a great way to serve the OHV community.

Please review the FS News Release below for information.  Please feel free to contact QWR/Don Amador if you have any questions.  Contact via email at:


Officials of the Mendocino National Forest are conducting public outreach to fill four permanent seats and two replacement members to establish a full federal advisory committee for Glenn and Colusa Counties.

Once appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture later this spring, the RAC will solicit projects for implementation.  RACs were established as a provision of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000.  By law the 4-year term, fifteen-member committee is composed of a wide representation of National Forest interests organized into the three categories below. An additional member is also appointed as a replacement should a committee member leave for any reason.

The Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 or Public Law 110-343 replaced an arrangement that gave counties 25% of Forest Service receipts from logging, grazing, recreation and other activities on national forest lands.

RAC projects must have broad community based support with objectives that may include, but are not limited to: road, trail, and infrastructure maintenance or obliteration; soil productivity improvements; improvements in forest ecosystem health; watershed restoration and maintenance; restoration, maintenance, and improvement of wildlife and fish habitat; control of noxious and exotic weeds; hazardous fuels reduction; and reintroduction of native species. Projects must be on public land but can occur on private land if it can be demonstrated that there is a benefit to public land resources.

Interested applicants can apply for the Glenn\Colusa County RAC membership.  An interest form is available on the Mendocino National Forest website at:
Applicants must complete a cover letter and the short interest form.  Please address your correspondence to Ann Carlson, Forest Supervisor, 825 North Humboldt Ave., Willows, CA 95988.   Once committee members are selected an additional background screening will occur by the FBI. 

For additional information about the Secure Rural Schools legislation, including Titles I, II and III, please visit the SRS website at  For further information or questions please contact, Christine Hill, District Ranger or Zach Rich, RAC Coordinator at (530) 934-3316 or Zach


Thanks for your review of this RAC opportunity.

Don Amador
Member, BLM Central CA RAC
Member, FS Region 5 Recreation RAC (2011-2015)