Don Amador at 2014 Lost Coast
Dual Sport Adventure Ride
According to a 2012 Economic Impact Study from the
Outdoor Industry Association, OHV related expenditures have an estimated $66
billion dollar fiscal benefit to the nation’s economy.
Motorized recreationists stay in hotels, use campgrounds,
buy fuel, purchase vehicles and accessories, patronize grocery stores, and
order parts.
According to Motorcycle
USA.Com, The Dual segment (adventure/dual-sport motorcycles) continues to
enjoy the most robust growth trend in the US motorcycle industry. However, they note that the total sales for
the 1st quarter of 2014 for the on/off-road capable bikes were 7644
units which is about ½ the number of Off-Highway motorcycles sold.
QWR believes that Dual motorcycle recreation will
continue to grow in popularity and import as part of the OHV recreation
economic equation. Other recreation leaders appear to share that
view as well.
John Lane, Founder of Rocky Mountain Adventure Riders,
states, “Most dual-sport, adventure riders stay in a hotel and eat in
restaurants. I am amazed as I travel
throughout Colorado on a regular basis, by how many DS/Adventure bikes I see
parked at motel/hotels and restaurants.”
Dual Riders at Grocery Store on CO/UT Border
credit: Don Riggle)
Motorcycle icon and publisher, Don Emde, says, “Adventure
bikes open up unlimited opportunities for riders to expand their horizons and
experience new riding areas around the United States and the world.”
Mattole Road South of Ferndale, CA
QWR believes there are a number of factors that are
contributing to the rise in popularity of Adventure motorcycling. First, the 2005 Forest Service Travel
Management Rule resulted in the closure of thousands of miles of forest roads
historically used by non-street legal dirt-bikes. This resulted in riders purchasing dual-sport
motorcycles so they could connect between various trail networks.
Second, many non-traditional “off-road motorcycle” interests from the tech
world, conservation movement, 4x4 community, and other stakeholder groups have
found that Adventure riding is a great way to escape the city and experience
the great outdoors.
Third, adventure and dual-sport motorcycles can also
serve as commuter vehicles during the week.
The aforementioned observations are based on QWR’s work
at a number of adventure/dual-sport rides including the Oakland Motorcycle Club’s
SheetIron 300 Dual Sport Ride and the North Bay Motorcycle Club’s Lost Coast Dual
Sport Adventure Ride.
Dual Sport Riders Ready for Take Off at SheetIron 300
QWR looks to expand our Adventure Bike Module in 2015 to
better serve the exploring community and promote the many benefits of Dual
motorcycling to both the riders and economy.
This addition will enhance our ongoing efforts to champion responsible non-street
legal and street legal motorized recreation on public roads, trails, and areas.